Technical ICDSoft RSS news feed PHP 8.4 Now Available on All ICDSoft Servers We're excited to announce that PHP 8.4 is now available for all accounts on our servers! You can explore the detailed overview of the enhancements and features introduced in PHP 8.4 in the official PHP documentation here. PHP 8.1 remains the default PHP version for new accounts and subdomains on all ICDSoft plans and servers. Each user can configure the new PHP version on a per-subdomain ba... Thu, 05 Dec 2024 05:00:00 GMT PHP 8.3 Now Available on All ICDSoft Servers The latest PHP version - PHP 8.3 - is now available for all accounts on our servers. A detailed overview of the enhancements and features introduced in PHP 8.3 is available in the official PHP documentation here: PHP 8.1 will remain the default PHP version for new accounts and subdomains on our servers. As always, users can configure the new PHP... Mon, 15 Jan 2024 05:00:00 GMT Extra CPU Power for All Managed VPS Plans and More RAM for the SmartVPS Platform For the past couple of months here at ICDSoft we've been test-running an automatic performance boosting system on all VPS plans. We call this system CPU Burst, and it basically improves VPS performance by unlocking additional CPU cores at no extra cost. The system performs exceptionally well, and our stats show that VPS plans take advantage of CPU Burst 99% of the time. CPU Burst has been r... Thu, 06 Apr 2023 04:00:00 GMT PHP 8.2 Now Available on All ICDSoft Servers We are happy to announce a new addition to the already wide selection of PHP versions available on the ICDSoft servers - PHP 8.2. As usual, the new version brings a number of improvements, and users can find more information about the new features and backward incompatible changes in the official PHP documentation. In addition to adding PHP 8.2, we are also changing the default PHP version for... Thu, 02 Feb 2023 05:00:00 GMT New MySQL 5 to MySQL 8 Migration Tool Now Available in the ICDSoft Hosting Control Panel We recently introduced MySQL 8 on all ICDSoft servers, and many people have already migrated their databases to the new MySQL version. Now, to help even more people move to MySQL 8, we are introducing a new MySQL converter that can upgrade your MySQL 5 databases to MySQL 8 and can also automatically switch your WordPress installations to MySQL 8. MySQL 8 Database Converter The new tool is av... Tue, 19 Jul 2022 04:00:00 GMT New MySQL Version Available for All ICDSoft Hosting Plans - MySQL 8 We are glad to announce that, starting today, all ICDSoft users now have the option to use MySQL 8 databases with their applications. No need to worry about existing MySQL 5 databases; we are not removing MySQL 5 anytime soon. We are just upgrading the hosting environment with the option to use a newer version of MySQL that comes with security and performance improvements. What's New in... Thu, 07 Apr 2022 04:00:00 GMT New PHP Version Available on All ICDSoft Servers - PHP 8.1 Today we have added a brand new PHP version - PHP 8.1 - as an option for all ICDSoft hosting plans. More information about the new features and changes introduced in PHP 8.1, as well as details on how to migrate your codebase from PHP 8.0.x to PHP 8.1.x, can be found on the official PHP website at: Migrating from PHP 8.0.x to PHP 8.1.x PHP 8.1 is the latest addition to the long list of PHP v... Wed, 09 Feb 2022 05:00:00 GMT PHP 8.0 Now Available on All ICDSoft Servers We are happy to announce that PHP 8.0 is now available on all ICDSoft servers. As usual, PHP 8 brings many security and performance improvements over previous PHP versions. Full details on the changes in this version (like new and deprecated features or backward incompatibilities) are available in the official PHP Manual for migrating from PHP 7.4.x to PHP 8.0.x: Wed, 31 Mar 2021 04:00:00 GMT Security Improvements to the Hosting Platform We have applied some new security measures designed to protect our clients from malicious bots and spoofed emails: Blocking Malicious Web Requests We have implemented a new security mechanism that blocks POST requests from malicious IP addresses. We are using the database of Stop Forum Spam to get a list of malicious/suspicious IPs. The list gets automatically updated every 6 hours. If a... Thu, 22 Oct 2020 04:00:00 GMT Server-side Caching Now Available Following up on our recent introduction of PHP-FPM with OPcache, we are happy to announce the addition of a brand new feature designed to further improve website speed and performance - Server-side Caching. As of today, both PHP-FPM and Server-side Caching are available at no extra cost to all hosting accounts and all VPS solutions in all data centers. You can find the PHP-FPM release announ... Fri, 17 Jul 2020 04:00:00 GMT PHP-FPM with OPcache Now Availablе in the US Data Center Today we completed the third and final stage of the phased rollout of our new PHP execution model. PHP-FPM, combined with the OPcache caching system, is now available at no extra cost to all accounts in the US data center. Every new hosting account created in the US data center from now on will have PHP-FPM with OPcache enabled by default. ICDSoft customers can easily configure their current ac... Fri, 17 Jul 2020 04:00:00 GMT PHP-FPM with OPcache Now Availablе in the Hong Kong Data Center Today we completed the second stage of the phased rollout of our new PHP execution model. PHP FastCGI Process Manager (PHP-FPM) and the OPcache caching system are now available to all accounts in the Hong Kong data center at no extra cost. All new accounts created in the Hong Kong data center from now on will have PHP-FPM with OPcache enabled by default. Customers can easily switch their existi... Fri, 10 Jul 2020 04:00:00 GMT А New, Faster PHP Execution Model Now Availablе Today, we are starting a phased rollout of a major change in our hosting infrastructure designed to speed up web content delivery. On top of our new hardware platform, based on the latest Intel Xeon processors and Linux KVM virtualization, we are introducing PHP FastCGI Process Manager (PHP-FPM) paired with OPcache. PHP-FPM speeds up PHP-based websites by maintaining pools of PHP worker proc... Wed, 08 Jul 2020 04:00:00 GMT PHP 7.4 is Now Available on All ICDSoft Servers We have added PHP 7.4 to the long list of PHP versions we support on our servers. You can find more information about the new features this PHP version brings, as well as the deprecated features and backward incompatible changes, in the official guide for migrating from PHP 7.3.x to PHP 7.4.x at: As with every new PHP version, PHP 7.4 brings perf... Wed, 24 Jun 2020 04:00:00 GMT Delayed Delivery Notifications Now Available If you send an email to a remote recipient and it is not accepted or rejected initially, the message remains in our mail queue. The mail server tries to deliver that message continuously for up to two days, waiting for the remote mail server to accept or reject the message. If our mail server is unable to send your message after retrying for two days, you will receive a bounce error message indica... Wed, 24 Jun 2020 04:00:00 GMT Memory upgrade for the Startup VPS plan Our entry single-site VPS plan has received a memory upgrade - now it offers 6 GB of RAM instead of 4 GB. This upgrade has already been completed for all Startup plans in all three data centers, and both existing and new customers will be able to take advantage of the increased memory resources. The upgrade does not affect the plan's price in any way. You can find more information about our... Sat, 11 Apr 2020 04:00:00 GMT Increased CPU resources for VPS plans To help our VPS plans deal even better with the significantly increased traffic these days, we added more CPU power to our SmartVPS (+1 CPU core), SmartVPS Pro (+2 CPU cores), First Class (+2 CPU cores), and Ultimate (+2 CPU cores) VPS plans. You can check our VPS hosting pages for more information about the resources and features you get when you purchase a VPS from ICDSoft: Managed VPS Hos... Thu, 26 Mar 2020 04:00:00 GMT WebP support added to all PHP 7 versions Due to increasing interest from our users, we added support for the WebP image format to all PHP 7 versions we currently maintain - PHP 7.1, PHP 7.2, and PHP 7.3. Users can easily change the PHP version for their accounts via the hosting Control Panel > PHP Settings > Default PHP Interpreter. Sat, 06 Jul 2019 04:00:00 GMT New PHP version available on all servers - PHP 7.3 We are glad to inform you that PHP version 7.3 has been installed on all servers. All new hosting accounts are automatically configured to use it by default. Existing accounts can be switched to use the new PHP version via the hosting Control Panel > PHP Settings > Default PHP interpreter. As with any new version, PHP 7.3 is expected to bring speed and stability improvements over previous... Mon, 17 Jun 2019 04:00:00 GMT New compression module available on all servers: mod_brotli We are pleased to announce that we enabled the mod_brotli compression module for Apache on all our servers. It is an alternative to the mod_deflate module that is already available on our servers, but it should provide better compression. More information about the mod_brotli module is available here: Sat, 01 Jun 2019 04:00:00 GMT Upgrade to a new hardware platform in the US data center We are in the process of migrating all servers in our US data center to our new hardware platform. It features the latest Xeon Gold processors, enterprise-grade RAID SSD storage arrays, and optimized 10 Gigabit Ethernet internal network connections. The new hardware is co-located in a brand-new data center facility situated next to our existing facilities in Boston, MA. This new facility featur... Mon, 11 Feb 2019 05:00:00 GMT Upgrade to a new hardware platform in the EU data center We are in the process of migrating all servers in our EU data center to a new hardware platform. It features the latest generation Intel Xeon processors, enterprise-grade RAID SSD storage arrays, and optimized internal network connections. The upgrade to the new hardware platform will provide further improvement on the stability and performance of our hosting infrastructure. Our clients will al... Sat, 13 Oct 2018 04:00:00 GMT HTTP/2 available on all servers HTTP/2 is a major revision of the Hypertext Transfer Protocol. It provides improved network communication and decreased latency, which makes it much faster than HTTP/1.1. HTTP/2 is supported by all modern browsers. As of today, HTTP/2 is available on all our servers and hosting plans, including shared servers. It is available only through SSL/HTTPS, as the browsers supporting HTTP/2 do not allo... Mon, 28 May 2018 04:00:00 GMT Git section in the hosting Control Panel Our in-house hosting Control Panel now has a new section - Git. It allows our customers to easily create and manage Git repositories online, as well as install automatically GitList on their hosting accounts. Mon, 23 Oct 2017 04:00:00 GMT SSH access for all our customers Today our Software Team added yet another section to the hosting Control Panel interface. It is for managing SSH access to the hosting account, and controlling the user access permissions to various server-side binaries and tools. Now all our customers, including users on shared-hosting servers, can allow SSH access to their hosting accounts. This new interface increases the overall account and... Tue, 26 Sep 2017 04:00:00 GMT PHP 5.6 and PHP 7.0 available on all servers Completing a schedule of gradual upgrades, as of today all our servers run PHP 5.6 as default PHP interpreter. Also, following our policy to provide the latest stable technologies, PHP 7.0 is installed and available on all machines. Customers can switch their domains, or just some folders, to use PHP 7.0 as default interpreter. PHP 5.3 is still running on our servers to allow customers with... Tue, 12 Apr 2016 04:00:00 GMT MySQL 5.6.27 installed on all servers As of this week, MySQL 5.6.27 has been installed on all our servers. When considering server software updates, we always try to balance between providing the newest technologies, ensuring the security of the services we offer, and providing enough time to customers to deal with software related matters, in case their site software is not compatible. The security of our servers is a top priority... Tue, 10 Nov 2015 05:00:00 GMT PHP 5.5 available on all servers Following our policy to provide the most recent server technologies which we consider stable enough for production environment, PHP 5.5 is now available on all our servers. Customers can now choose between PHP 5.5 and PHP 5.3 as default PHP interpreter for their accounts. We are well aware that PHP 5.3 is no longer supported by PHP developers. However, according to our analysis PHP 5.3 still do... Wed, 06 May 2015 04:00:00 GMT PHP 5.4 available to all customers Following several months of preparation and gradual implementation, PHP 5.4 is now available on all our servers. Our company policy towards software updates has always been the same - we aim to provide the most recent technologies, but without compromising the stability and security of the hosting service, and only after careful testing and implementation. We consider that PHP 5.4 is the latest... Fri, 22 Nov 2013 05:00:00 GMT PHP 5.3 on all servers For the last several months, we were conducting a campaign to switch the default PHP interpreter on our servers to PHP 5.3. This has been quite a challenging task, given the incompatibilities between PHP 5.2 and 5.3, and our goal to perform such updates without affecting customer sites. The campaign is complete, and now all our servers run PHP 5.3 as default PHP interpreter, while PHP 5.2 is still... Sat, 15 Oct 2011 04:00:00 GMT Improved disk systems on all servers For the past months, our engineers were working on a substantial upgrade of the disk systems on our servers. As of today, besides the RAID6 disk array, all our servers have solid state disks (SSD) as well. The I/O operations are balanced between the SSD and the RAID array, and most intensive operations run on the SSD. This significantly improves the overall system performance, and we believe that... Tue, 10 May 2011 04:00:00 GMT MySQL 5.1 on all our servers In the last several weeks, we were performing an upgrade of the MySQL5 server to version 5.1. The servers were upgraded in batches to avoid any possible problems and to be able to provide extensive support to customers with possible incompatibility issues. Now all our servers run MySQL 5.1, which is the latest stable MySQL version, and its availability goes the furthest into the future according t... Wed, 20 Oct 2010 04:00:00 GMT SpamAssassin We are happy to announce that SpamAssassin has been installed on our servers. SpamAssassin is a powerful mail filter that provides an effective means for fighting spam. Check it out! Just login to your CP, open the Mail Manager and set your SpamAssassin to whatever value you think will suit your needs. Fri, 20 Feb 2004 05:00:00 GMT SSL support for MySQL, IMAP and FTP Integration of SSL support is ICDSoft's next step in providing greater security and privacy protection of your web communication. We are glad to announce that after the standard testing procedures, the SSL (Secure Socket Layer) support for MySQL, FTP and IMAP has been implemented on our servers. Mon, 19 Jan 2004 05:00:00 GMT Ruby support added In answer to our customers' requests, we have installed the latest version of the Ruby scripting language on our machines. Now, besides Perl, Python, and PHP, ICDSoft's clients can take advantage of Ruby's simple and straight-forward methods for text file processing and object-oriented programming. Fri, 16 Jan 2004 05:00:00 GMT Integration of MySQL 4 Following a standard period of extensive testing, MySQL 4 has been integrated on all of our servers. As a result of the upgrade, the performance of our machines has been enhanced without compromising server stability. Tue, 23 Dec 2003 05:00:00 GMT Added support for curl and gettext for PHP and mod_rewrite for Apache We are glad to announce that we now support curl and gettext for PHP and mod_rewrite for Apache on all hosting servers. Tue, 25 Feb 2003 05:00:00 GMT