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To configure Microsoft Outlook 2010 to send and receive email with the IMAP protocol over SSL, please follow the steps below. Please replace: with your email address with your domain name with your server's host name (you can find your server's host name listed in the upper left corner of your Control Panel)
IMPORTANT: Please check our Automatic e-mail configuration (autodiscover/autoconfig) article thoroughly for more information about the Autodiscover service.
1. Open Microsoft Outlook 2010.
2. Choose "File" -> "Info" -> "Add Account".
3. Select "E-mail Account".In the "Your name" field you should enter the name which you would like to appear on the messages you send.You need to enter your e-mail address in the "Email Address" field.
In the "Password" and "Retype Password" fields you need to enter the current password for this particular mailbox.
Click "Next".4. If you have not installed a custom SSL certificate for your subdomain, you will see a warning that the used certificate is not issued for your domain but for the hosting server. This is a default certificate we install at all our machines, and you can proceed safely by clicking "Yes".5. On the next screen check the option "Manually configure server settings" and click "Next".
6. Click "More Settings ...".7. Click on the "Advanced" tab.
You need to specify the following value in capital letters in the "Root folder path" text field:
INBOXClick "OK".8. Click "Finish". The account settings will be tested. Click "Close".
To configure Microsoft Outlook 2010 to send and receive email with the POP3 protocol, please follow the steps below. Please replace: with your email address with your domain name
1. Open Microsoft Outlook 2010.2. Choose "File" -> "Info" -> "Add Account".
3. Select "Manually configure server settings or additional server types" and click "Next".
4. Choose "Internet E-mail" and click "Next".
5. In the "Your name" field you should enter the name which you would like to appear on the messages you send.You need to enter your e-mail address in the "E-mail Address" field.For incoming and outgoing mail servers you should use
Enter in the "User Name" field. In the "Password" field you need to enter the current password for this particular mailbox.
Leave the "Require logon using Secure Password Authentication (SPA)" option unchecked.
You can leave the "Test Account Settings by clicking the Next button" option checked, in order to easily verify if your configuration is done correctly.
The "Deliver new messages to" option allows you to specify if you want the new account to have a new Outlook data file (the default option) or if you prefer to use an existing data file. The second option is useful if you want to receive the messages of multiple pop accounts into a single Outlook folder. If you are unsure, use the default selection.
Click "More Settings ...".
6. Click on the "Outgoing Server" tab. Mark the "My outgoing server (SMTP) requires authentication" option and leave the default "Use same settings as my incoming mail server" option selected.
7. Click on the "Advanced" tab. Set the "Outgoing server (SMTP)" port to 587.
Make your selections under the "Delivery" section on how to treat the messages on the server after they are downloaded on your computer.
Click "OK".
8. Click "Next". The account settings will be tested. Click "Close" and then "Finish".
You may miss some e-mail messages if you use POP3 to access a mailbox that has SpamAssassin enabled for it. Please read our Possible issues when using POP3 and SpamAssassin article for more information.
To configure Microsoft Outlook 2010 to send and receive email with the POP3 protocol over SSL, please follow the steps below. Please replace: with your email address with your domain name with your server's host name (you can find your server's host name listed in the upper left corner of your Control Panel)
1. Open Microsoft Outlook 2010.2. Choose "File" -> "Info" -> "Add Account".
3. Select "Manually configure server settings or additional server types" and click "Next".
4. Choose "Internet E-mail" and click "Next".
5. In the "Your name" field you should enter the name which you would like to appear on the messages you send.You need to enter your e-mail address in the "E-mail Address" field.For incoming and outgoing mail servers you should use in the "User Name" field. In the "Password" field you need to enter the current password for this particular mailbox.Leave the "Require logon using Secure Password Authentication (SPA)" option unchecked.You can leave the "Test Account Settings by clicking the Next button" option checked, in order to easily verify if your configuration is done correctly. The "Deliver new messages to" option allows you to specify if you want the new account to have a new Outlook data file (the default option) or if you prefer to use an existing data file. The second option is useful if you want to receive the messages of multiple pop accounts into a single Outlook folder. If you are unsure, use the default selection.
Click "More Settings ...".6. Click on the "Outgoing Server" tab. Mark the "My outgoing server (SMTP) requires authentication" option and leave the default "Use same settings as my incoming mail server" option selected.
7. Click on the "Advanced" tab. Mark the "This server requires an encrypted connection (SSL)" option. The incoming server port will be automatically changed to 995.Set the "Outgoing server (SMTP)" port to 587. Specify "TLS" at the "Use the following type of encrypted connection" setting.Make your selections under the "Delivery" section on how to treat the messages on the server after they are downloaded on your computer.
Click "OK".8. Click "Next". The account settings will be tested. Click "Close" and then "Finish".
You may miss some e-mail messages if you use POP3 to access a mailbox that has SpamAssassin enabled for it. Please read our Possible issues when using POP3 and SpamAssassin article for more information.
To configure Microsoft Outlook 2010 to send and receive email with the IMAP protocol, please follow the steps below. Please replace: with your email address with your domain name
1. Open Microsoft Outlook 2010.2. Choose "File" -> "Info" -> "Add Account".
3. Select "Manually configure server settings or additional server types" and click "Next".
4. Choose "Internet E-mail" and click "Next".
5. In the "Your name" field you should enter the name which you would like to appear on the messages you send.You need to enter your e-mail address in the "E-mail Address" field.For incoming and outgoing mail servers you should use
Enter in the "User Name" field. In the "Password" field you need to enter the current password for this particular mailbox.
Set "Account Type" to IMAP.
Leave the "Require logon using Secure Password Authentication (SPA)" option unchecked.
You can leave the "Test Account Settings by clicking the Next button" option checked, in order to easily verify if your configuration is done correctly.
Click "More Settings ...".
6. Click on the "Outgoing Server" tab. Mark the "My outgoing server (SMTP) requires authentication" option and leave the default "Use same settings as my incoming mail server" option selected.
7. Click on the "Advanced" tab. Set the "Outgoing server (SMTP)" port to 587.You need to specify the following value in capital letters in the "Root folder path" text field:
Click "OK".
8. Click "Next". The account settings will be tested. Click "Close" and then "Finish".
To configure Microsoft Outlook 2010 to send and receive email with the IMAP protocol over SSL, please follow the steps below. Please replace: with your email address with your domain name with your server's host name (you can find your server's host name listed in the upper left corner of your Control Panel)
1. Open Microsoft Outlook 2010.
2. Choose "File" -> "Info" -> "Add Account".
3. Select "Manually configure server settings or additional server types" and click "Next".
4. Choose "Internet E-mail" and click "Next".
5. In the "Your name" field you should enter the name which you would like to appear on the messages you send.You need to enter your e-mail address in the "E-mail Address" field.For incoming and outgoing mail servers you should use
Enter in the "User Name" field. In the "Password" field you need to enter the current password for this particular mailbox.
Set "Account Type" to IMAP.
Leave the "Require logon using Secure Password Authentication (SPA)" option unchecked.
You can leave the "Test Account Settings by clicking the Next button" option checked, in order to easily verify if your configuration is done correctly.
Click "More Settings ...".
6. Click on the "Outgoing Server" tab. Mark the "My outgoing server (SMTP) requires authentication" option and leave the default "Use same settings as my incoming mail server" option selected.
7. Click on the "Advanced" tab.
Set the "Outgoing server (SMTP)" port to 465.
The encryption needs to be "SSL" for the Incoming server and "SSL" for the Outgoing server.
You need to specify the following value in capital letters in the "Root folder path" text field:
Click "OK".
8. Click "Next". The account settings will be tested. Click "Close" and then "Finish".
All prices are in USD. No setup fees. Minimum contract period for shared hosting services - 12 months. Full prepayment for the contract period. 100-day money-back guarantee. No automatic renewal. Fees for domain registrations and SSL certificates cannot be refunded in case of an early contract termination.