Nov 8, 2018

New hosting plans

In our company history, we have always had one great asset - loyal customers and resellers, leading to an exceptionally high renewal rate. However, sometimes a customer may leave our service, or a reseller may decide to host their end-user elsewhere, simply because the site in question is not suitable for any of our hosting plans and servers.  
With the thought in mind to meet the needs of more of our current customers and resellers, today we added three more hosting...

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Sep 20, 2018

Free hosting for educational institutions

Education is among the top priorities of modern mankind. Understanding the need everyone contribute to this objective in any possible way, we have decided that educational institutions will no longer pay for hosting services on our servers. Instead, they can simply use our Hosting Plan for Educational Institutions.

Starting today, any school, college, or university that provides formal education, no matter in which part of the world, can host their official website or a site support...

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May 25, 2018

Privacy policy and GDPR

In the whole history of ICDSoft, we have always considered that treating customers with respect is something very important. This includes keeping the privacy of our customers at a highest level, and not using their personal data for anything else than for the provision of the services they pay for.

As of today, the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of the European Union comes into effect. This regulation aims at protecting the privacy of EU citizens, but it also has a s...

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Jan 22, 2018

More RAM for First Class and Ultimate managed-VPS plans

We are well aware that with time, web sites grow popular and web software becomes more sophisticated. This requires regular updates of the hosting platform, and more hardware resources for the hosting service. Keeping pace in this competition is an important task for us.

During the past weekend, our system administrators completed hardware upgrades on all our VPS nodes. These upgrades made it possible to add more RAM to each of our First Class and Ultimate servers, at no additional...

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Jun 26, 2017

Disk space upgrade for First Class customers in Hong Kong

As of today, we are doubling the available disk space for First Class accounts in our Hong Kong datacenter. Instead of 100 GB space, customers on First Class servers now have 200 GB SSD space at their disposal, at no additional charge. All current accounts are already updated with the new disk space quota.

First Class managed-VPS plans are designed to support heavily-visited sites, online software with bigger hardware requirements, or organizations with larger operations that h...

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