Apr 9, 2019

New ICDSoft.com website is live

We have been working on our new website for some time, and we are happy to announce that it is now live. The new website has clean and modern looks; the main focus of the new icdsoft.com design is usability, as well as easy navigation on all types of devices - desktops, tablets, and mobile phones.

With our new corporate website we aim to better present our features and services, to show our values as a company, and to tell the story of what makes ICDSoft a unique hosting provider...

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Apr 8, 2019

"Refer a Friend" section added to the Control Panel

A "Refer a Friend" feature is now available in the ICDSoft hosting Control Panel. You can now invite your friends and family to open a hosting account with us – and get commissions from this. There’s no limit to the number of people you can refer, so spread the word about the quality of our services.

Your friends, colleagues, or family members must click on your unique referral link, available in your Control Panel, and then purchase a hosting account with us...

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Apr 5, 2019

ICDSoft servers not affected by Apache vulnerability CVE-2019-0211

A privilege escalation vulnerability (CVE-2019-0211) in the Apache web server was recently discovered. This vulnerability is particularly bad for some shared hosting providers, as it may allow unprivileged scripts to take over the main Apache process.

The Apache instances running on our servers are not affected by this vulnerability, as they are protected by the suEXEC security mechanism. Nonetheless, since our system administrators regularly update all software on our servers, a pa...

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Mar 6, 2019

Control Panel subusers feature added to the Economy plan

The Control Panel Subusers feature is now available for accounts on the Economy plan in all data centers. This feature allows our clients to create and manage additional users for the hosting Control Panel. Access for each Control Panel subuser can be limited only to certain sections of the Control Panel.

All ICDSoft customers can use this feature via their hosting Control Panel > Control Panel Subusers section.

Feb 11, 2019

Upgrade to a new hardware platform in the US data center

We are in the process of migrating all servers in our US data center to our new hardware platform. It features the latest Xeon Gold processors, enterprise-grade RAID SSD storage arrays, and optimized 10 Gigabit Ethernet internal network connections.

The new hardware is co-located in a brand-new data center facility situated next to our existing facilities in Boston, MA. This new facility features upgraded network connections, advanced DDoS protection services, improved data security...

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