May 10, 2011

Improved disk systems on all servers

For the past months, our engineers were working on a substantial upgrade of the disk systems on our servers. As of today, besides the RAID6 disk array, all our servers have solid state disks (SSD) as well. The I/O operations are balanced between the SSD and the RAID array, and most intensive operations run on the SSD. This significantly improves the overall system performance, and we believe that this brings the level of our hosting services even higher.

Mar 1, 2011

New Control Panel officially released

Today our new hosting Control Panel (v.2) has been officially released. It was in "beta" status for the past three months, allowing customers willing to act as beta-testers to get to know it, test it extensively, and supply feedback. The v.2 version of our hosting Control Panel comes with new design, better usability options, as well as new features. Our Software team will continue working on its improveme...

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Oct 20, 2010

MySQL 5.1 on all our servers

In the last several weeks, we were performing an upgrade of the MySQL5 server to version 5.1. The servers were upgraded in batches to avoid any possible problems and to be able to provide extensive support to customers with possible incompatibility issues. Now all our servers run MySQL 5.1, which is the latest stable MySQL version, and its availability goes the furthest into the future according to the MySQL lifecycle calendar.

May 25, 2010

100,000 domains hosted on our servers

Being too busy in our work, we did not notice that back on May 15th, the domains hosted on our servers reached 100,000. We are proud to announce this now, as such a number of hosted domains is a milestone in the history of every hosting company.

We thank to all our customers and resellers who trusted their sites and businesses to us.

We do not have a sales department, and we never needed one, as this job has always been executed excellently by our existing customers. All c...

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Apr 20, 2010

Free online site builder for all our customers

In the last months, our Software Team was working on the development of an online site building tool. Following many customer requests and our policy to offer mostly in-house developed software, the members of our Software Team spent their time to perform a proper research and to have the tool developed in a way, in which we believe it would be of use for most customers.

As a result, our online site building software is already in production on our servers.

The site builde...

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