Sep 28, 2006

MySQL 5 installed on all servers

After extensive compatibility testing, we have incorporated MySQL 5 into our services. Customers can now use both MySQL 4 and MySQL 5 databases. We have also implemented a Convert tool, that offers a easy way to migrate customer databases from MySQL 4 to MySQL 5.

Jul 31, 2006

Hosting plans upgraded

We have upgraded our hosting plans as follows:

  • Universal: 1GB webspace / 20GB monthly traffic
  • Business: 2GB webspace / 40GB monthly traffic

This upgrade has been made without passing any costs to our customers, and all existing accounts will automatically have the new resources available. This substantial increase will allow our customers to expand more effectively, paving the way for future expansions.

Jun 2, 2006

75 000 domains hosted on our servers

We are proud to announce that the domains hosted by ICDSoft are already over 75 000. The constant increase of this number clearly shows the level of service that we are providing.

Mar 22, 2006

New hosting plan introduced

Based on feedback from our clients, and in order to provide the best possible service, we are pleased to announce that we are introducing a new Universal plan, designed to best fit the needs of our customers. Additionally, we are upgrading the resources allocated to Business plan accounts, and we are now offering new discounts of up to 50%.

All Personal plan accounts have been automatically upgraded to the Universal plan FREE OF CHARGE, and the Personal plan has been discontinued...

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Feb 15, 2006

70 000 domains hosted

The number of domains hosted with us reached 70 000 today. We thank all our customers for the continued support, allowing us to excel at the services we provide.