Dec 19, 2005

Lower hosting prices for our loyal customers

Our existing customers and resellers can now order new hosting accounts at lower prices. The discount for a second, third, etc account is now 50% (vs. 20 USD till now). There are also new additional discounts for resellers, the total discount can reach 70% off our basic hosting prices.

Oct 4, 2005

60 000 and growing

Today the number of hosting accounts on our servers reached another milestone. More than 60 000 sites are now hosted on our servers.

Apr 18, 2005

50% more webspace, 40% more bandwidth and more!

Today we have added more power to our web hosting plans. All features have been upgraded at no additional cost to you: web space, monthly transfer, databases, ftp users, subdomains, and parked domains. You get more for the same price. Yes, that's right! For $5/mo(Personal plan) and $10/mo(Business plan) you have more web space, traffic and resources for your web site.

  • All Personal Hosting Plan users will now enjoy 500MB of webspace and 7GB of monthly bandwidth for their...

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Mar 18, 2005

55 000 hosting accounts on our servers

The active hosting accounts on our servers are now more than 55 000. We are very happy that all our efforts to provide services of superior quality are resulting in more and more loyal customers.

Jan 12, 2005

The earthquake in Southeastern Asia

With the world shocked by the devastation caused by the earthquake in Southeast Asia, we would like to express our deepest condolences to those affected. As a token of our sympathy, we decided to give one year of hosting service to all our current customers from the following countries: India, Indonesia, Maldives, Sri Lanka and Thailand.

Although we realize that our actions will not help relieving the economical losses of the countries affected, we are at least doing everything in o...

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